How Often Should You Change Your Oil?
By sticking to a regular schedule for every oil change, San Antonio drivers can keep any vehicle in top condition. Advances in oil and engine technology mean that modern vehicles need an oil change less often than older cars — but experts recommend that you still take your car for an oil change every 7,500 to 10,000 miles. For exact specs for your vehicle, always be sure to check your owner’s manual. Learn more about why it’s crucial to keep up with your Land Rover maintenance schedule with these oil change frequency guidelines from Land Rover San Antonio.
Oil Change Frequency Guidelines
While the 7,500-10,000 mile interval is a solid guideline for any vehicle, you may need to change the oil more often depending on your driving habits or your particular vehicle. If you have any questions regarding your vehicle’s next oil change, reach out to our service department at Land Rover San Antonio near Laredo find out everything you need to know about keeping your car in top shape.
Oil Change Tips
- Find out the cost of your oil change. Give our Service Center a call for an exact figure for your vehicle.
- Have all the parts ready. Be sure to replace your oil filter at the same time you replace the oil. If you’re changing the oil yourself at home, you can get genuine filters from our Parts Department at Land Rover San Antonio.
- Always stick to a maintenance schedule. You’ll still want to get an oil change at least twice a year, even if you drive the vehicle very little. Oil breaks down gradually over time, even without driving.
How Often Should I Check My Oil Level?
The best way to know exactly when your vehicle is due for an oil change is to check the oil yourself. You’ll also be able to catch any leaks or oil system issues early and get them taken care of right away to minimize damage. When you pull the dipstick out, carefully inspect the oil. It should look clean and smooth, and be free of any loose particles. If it’s cloudy or you see flakes of metal, it’s time for an oil change. The next step is to perform a DIY oil change yourself, or schedule service at our service center in San Antonio.
Trust Land Rover San Antonio with Your Service and Maintenance Needs
To learn more about checking your oil and other vehicle maintenance info for your Range Rover, Stop by our service center near San Antonio. Be sure to check out our Land Rover prepaid maintenance plans and service specials to save on Land Rover or Range Rover oil change costs!